第三個星期嘅「每週最佳食譜」就係Elaine Wong嘅蔬菜煎餅啦!
做法唔複雜,am730飲食專欄作家Candy Tsui煮完大讚:「色彩繽紛嘅蔬菜,單憑視覺上嘅刺激,已令人食慾大增!如果想令蔬菜煎餅更加爽口,仲可以加入銀芽添!若食材中加入洋蔥和蒜蓉,與蔬菜配料略炒至有香味才加入蛋漿,除了辟除三色豆的雪味外,更可令蔬菜煎餅的風味更佳! 」
The third week of Kai "weekly best recipes" Elaine Wong Kai vegetable pancakes! Practice well complex, am730 food columnist Candy Tsui after cooking praising: "fun with Kai vegetables alone Kai Visual stimulus has been an increased appetite! If you want to order more refreshing vegetable pancakes, Jones Lang LaSalle to join the sprouts to add! Ingredients include onions, and garlic, and vegetable ingredients until slightly scented who joins the egg mixture, in addition to the new addition to the three-colored beans of snow outside, also vegetable pancakes taste better! "Wellcome representative Dietitians Elman pointed out that the eggs rich in zinc kai, helps human tissue growth with updates, to children particularly well. Materials also include beans, broccoli, mushrooms, but also rich in dietary fibre. (Translated by Bing)
做法唔複雜,am730飲食專欄作家Candy Tsui煮完大讚:「色彩繽紛嘅蔬菜,單憑視覺上嘅刺激,已令人食慾大增!如果想令蔬菜煎餅更加爽口,仲可以加入銀芽添!若食材中加入洋蔥和蒜蓉,與蔬菜配料略炒至有香味才加入蛋漿,除了辟除三色豆的雪味外,更可令蔬菜煎餅的風味更佳! 」
The third week of Kai "weekly best recipes" Elaine Wong Kai vegetable pancakes! Practice well complex, am730 food columnist Candy Tsui after cooking praising: "fun with Kai vegetables alone Kai Visual stimulus has been an increased appetite! If you want to order more refreshing vegetable pancakes, Jones Lang LaSalle to join the sprouts to add! Ingredients include onions, and garlic, and vegetable ingredients until slightly scented who joins the egg mixture, in addition to the new addition to the three-colored beans of snow outside, also vegetable pancakes taste better! "Wellcome representative Dietitians Elman pointed out that the eggs rich in zinc kai, helps human tissue growth with updates, to children particularly well. Materials also include beans, broccoli, mushrooms, but also rich in dietary fibre. (Translated by Bing)