2012年1月20日 星期五

惠康「屋企萬歲」家常新「煮」意- 每週最佳食譜-WEEK 2

第二個星期嘅「每週最佳食譜」就係Vivi Chan嘅三文魚豆腐脆餅啦!

香脆可口又易整,做party野食最啱啦!am730飲食專欄作家Candy Tsui試煮完就覺得好好味,又啱大人又啱小朋友食!三文魚含豐富奧米加三,配合蛋白質豐富的豆腐,營養非常豐富!如果驚腥,仲可以用薑蓉同紅辣椒碎辟左浸魚腥味。 Candy建議比小朋友食可以用挪威三文魚柳,因為肉厚無骨,小朋友食得零舍開心!有啲人會驚熱氣,所以Candy話可加入馬蹄粒,咁樣除咗增加三文魚豆腐脆餅嘅口感之外,令脆餅更加清甜,仲會減少熱氣感覺!

更加請嚟惠康代表兼營養師Elman,幫我地以專業嘅角度評估下碟餸嘅營養價值: 「三文魚含豐富奧米加三,加強心臟機能,亦令頭腦更靈活。」
The second week of Kai "weekly best recipes" Vivi Chan Kai salmon of crisp tofu cake! Crispy and delicious and easy, do most yan's party food picked from the fields! Am730 food columnist Candy Tsui tried after cooking I felt good and Yan yan children eating! Salmon rich in Omega three, combined with protein-rich bean curd, nutrient rich! If surprise fishy, Zhong Rong Jiang can be used with red pepper pieces developed left dip fishy. Candy than children eating Norway salmon, alone, because the meat is thick boneless, children eat zero House happy!

Di heat people will be surprised, so Candy can join Horseshoe capsules, give samples other than Zuo increase salmon Kai crisp tofu cake tastes, crisp bread, sweet, and Jones Lang LaSalle will reduce the heat! More Li Wellcome representative Dietitians Elman, helped me with professional disc song Kai under Kai assess nutritional value: "salmon rich in Omega three, strengthen heart function, also has a greater flexibility in mind.
 (Translated by Bing)

第二個星期嘅「每週最佳食譜」就係Vivi Chan嘅三文魚豆腐脆餅啦!


1. 首先將麵粉同雞蛋打勻,再將薑、蒜、洋蔥、芹菜、紅辣椒、青椒各材料切碎,最後將三文魚切成小塊
2. 之後將豆腐放係碗裡壓碎,再混合所有材料同調味料,攪拌均勻
3. 最後用適量油,係煎煮時用羹輕輕壓,將兩面煎至金黃色即成

