今次特別邀請咗am730飲食專欄作家Candy Tsui幫我地評分:「依碟絕對係新年時用嚟做宴客親朋嘅好菜式。金黃香脆嘅腐皮配上爽口餡料,趁熱食就最好味。如果可以嘅話,整定多啲都唔怕,用濕布蓋住放入雪櫃,下次煎一陣就可以食啦 !」
Candy仲建議可以放少量嘅生粉水搽係腐皮卷嘅收口處,咁樣煎嘅時候收口處先會向下,腐皮卷就唔容易散開。 同埋未包餡嘅腐皮應該用濕布蓋住,以免被吹乾,令到包餡果時容易整爛。惠康代表兼營養師Elman腐皮不但提供蛋白質,更含有卵磷脂,對身體整體健康和機能非常有益。
The first week of Kai "weekly best recipes" Ovan Choi Kai-fried crispy bean curd sheet rolls! This columnist Candy Tsui invited Zuo am730 diet help me score: "in conformity with the saucer absolutely new year banquet with Li friends Kai a good cuisine. Golden crisp Kai bean curd sheet coupled with refreshing stuffing, at home and eat the best taste. If kai, tuning how di I'm afraid, cover with a damp cloth into the refrigerator, next came out of the frying can eat it! "Candy Jones Lang LaSalle recommendations can put a small amount water bean curd sheet rolls of liniment Kai Kai powder shell nosing, injected-like fried Kai when Shell nosing down and bean curd sheet rolls it well easy to spread. Burying is not filling Kai bean curd sheet should cover with a damp cloth to avoid being dry so that the filling of fruit that is easy to rot.
Wellcome representative Dietitians Elman bean curd sheet providing not only protein, but also contains lecithin, overall health and function is very useful to the body. (Translated by Bing)
第一個星期嘅「每週最佳食譜」就係Ovan Choi嘅香煎脆皮腐皮卷啦!
調味料: 雞粉,鷹粟粉及鮮露,鹽,...醬油,少許干辣椒籽,料酒
2. 將醃好嘅餡加啲鷹粟粉(可令口感軟滑)再包入腐皮入邊.
3 油適量開中火燒到8分熱,將包好的腐皮卷煎到金黄色,上碟前切段就食得.
調味料: 雞粉,鷹粟粉及鮮露,鹽,...醬油,少許干辣椒籽,料酒
2. 將醃好嘅餡加啲鷹粟粉(可令口感軟滑)再包入腐皮入邊.
3 油適量開中火燒到8分熱,將包好的腐皮卷煎到金黄色,上碟前切段就食得.