2012年1月20日 星期五


多謝大家對『惠康「屋企萬歲」家常新「煮」意』嘅支持。過去一個星期我地正謹慎咁評估六個每週最佳食譜,以選出最實至名歸嘅一個參賽作品為終極冠軍。我地今次特別邀請咗am730飲食專欄作家Candy Tsui幫我地為六個每週最佳食譜下廚及評分,再加上惠康代表兼營養師Elman 幫我地以專業嘅角度評估下碟餸嘅營養價值及評分。詳細食譜可到以下相簿參考。Thank you for the "Wellcome" long live the home "home of the new" cooking "meaning" Kai support. Last week I was carefully injected assessment six weekly best recipes, to elect the most deserved Kai a entr...ies as the ultimate champion. I invited this time columnist Candy Tsui Zuo am730 diet help me to six weekly best recipes, cooking and scoring, coupled with the Wellcome representative Dietitians Elman helped me in a professional disc song Kai under Kai assess nutrient value and score. More recipes available in the following book references.

相信大家已經喺早前嘅Wall Post睇到晉身惠康「屋企萬歲」家常新「煮」意總決賽嘅六位「
每週最佳食譜」嘅幸運兒,最後結果已經出左啦!終極冠軍就係Elaine Wong嘅蔬菜煎餅啦!恭喜Elaine Wong獲得$500惠康禮券!想回顧所有參賽食譜,可到惠康「屋企萬歲」家常新「煮」意相簿睇睇啦!
I believe we have XI Kai Wall Post earlier when to join the Wellcome "long live the home" home of the new "cooking" Italian final six Kai "weekly best recipes" lucky kai, have left the last result! Ultimate champion Elaine Wong Kai vegetable pancakes! Congratulations to Elaine Wong obtained $500 Hui Kangli coupons! Would like to recall all the participating recipes available Huikang "long live the home" home of the new "cooking" album to VIPs VIPs! (Translated by Bing)

