嘩嘩嘩! 全球首本 staub官方合作中文版食譜-《極致美味 staub 鑄鐵鍋料理》終於出爐喇! 為咗針對港人口味,作者特意設計超過五十款包括中,西, 泰,法等多地嘅菜式,書入面仲會教大家好多用staub 嘅小秘技同冷知識。有咗呢本天書以後唔使再上網左抄右抄 ,想做大廚真係話都冇咁易!大家記住密切留意喇!
staub is finally having its first official collaborative cookbook in Chinese – DELICACIES IN STAUB. In order to cater to the tastes of Hong Kong people, the author writes more than fifty recipes of different cuisine styles. It also gives you bright ideas on using different staub products. If you are sick of scanning clueless tips online, this cookbook is perfect for you. Stay tuned for more information!
staub is finally having its first official collaborative cookbook in Chinese – DELICACIES IN STAUB. In order to cater to the tastes of Hong Kong people, the author writes more than fifty recipes of different cuisine styles. It also gives you bright ideas on using different staub products. If you are sick of scanning clueless tips online, this cookbook is perfect for you. Stay tuned for more information!
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